Saturday, December 6, 2014

Anvide Lock Folder

Anvide Lock Folder is a dedicated folder protector that hides sensitive data inside multiple directories based on a user-defined password.

Despite the fact that are plenty such utilities populating the software market, Anvide Lock Folder uses one of the most user-friendly approaches we’ve experienced in our line of work.

First and foremost, it’s wrapped in a simple, yet intuitive design that appeals to the eye through an organized and comprehensive GUI which gathers all of the features inside of a few buttons and menus.
Any locking operation requires that you enter a custom password, twice, in order to make sure that you haven’t typed it wrong. Keep in mind that unlock operations cannot be performed unless you provide the password used for the
encryption process.

Here is the link for download as file Torrent file var Dropbox

Size: 9.54 MB


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